Future 還是 The Future?

Future 還是 The Future?


「Future (將來/未來)」既是形容詞,又是名詞。今次《「語」您講》講究竟「future」會否及何時需要用到冠詞 (article)。


當「future」作為形容詞時,我們並不需要用冠詞。至於我們在一句「future」為形容詞的句子中所看到的冠詞(如定冠詞「the」和不定冠詞「a / an」),其實是屬於修飾名詞的:

➡️ Let’s talk about it at a future date. (我們將來再討論吧。)
➡️ I saw the future CEO this morning. (我於今早見過未來老闆。)
➡️ We have to protect future generations. (我們要保護下一代。)[無定詞]



Future 還是 The future ?


✅ Can you predict the future? (你能預見未來嗎?)
❌ Can you predict future?

✅ Let’s think about the future of tourism. (我們想一想旅遊業的未來吧。)
❌ Let’s think about future of tourism.

✅ We plan on living together in the near future. (我們計劃於不久將來同居。)
❌ We plan on living together in near future.

✅ He has a bright future ahead of him. (他的前途一遍光明。)
❌ He has the bright future ahead of him.
❌ He has bright future ahead of him.

In future 還是 In the future ?

對於「in (the) future」,在主流英式英語的語文運用上,「in future」的意思其實與「in the future」有別。

「In future」是指「從今以後」,而「in the future」則指「未來某時」:

In future:

✅ You should be more careful in future. (= 你從今以後必須更加小心。)
❌ You should be more careful in the future.

✅ No more walking to work, I will be taking the train in future. (= 我由今天開始會以火車代步。)
❌ No more walking to work, I will be taking the train in the future.

In the future:

✅ We would like to get married in the future. (= 我們會於將來某天結婚。)
❌ We would like to get married in future.

✅ There will be another chance in the future. (= 將來會再有另一次機會。)
❌ There will be another chance in future.

Near 和 foreseeable

如果想說「不久將來」,可以用「in the near future」和「in the foreseeable future」:

➡️ We looking forward to working with you again in the near future. (我們希望於不久將來再和你合作。)
➡️ Coal will run out in the foreseeable future. (煤炭將於不久將來用盡。)

Edison Tam MA MCIL CL 是一名中英翻譯、校對及審稿員,專門為學生、獨立非小說作家、學術研究員,以及不同規模和類型的機構組織提供語文諮詢服務。

現為英國皇家特許語言學會 (CIOL) 特許語言師 (Chartered Linguist) 及會員 (Member) , Edison 曾在香港、倫敦和巴塞隆拿接受於商學、現代語言及應用語言學三個廣泛領域之學術培訓。

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