Kiev or Kyiv?

Kiev or Kyiv?

Language matters—even more at times of crisis. By understanding the background and the difference between Kiev and Kyiv, we can make use of our linguistic capacity to express solidarity with the people of Ukraine and show respect for their language and identity, which, I believe, is one of the many ways to support and contribute.

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

When we don’t know enough about someone’s belief, or indeed, what they celebrate, it would be preferable to use a broader, more inclusive term rather than taking a guess or making assumptions that may potentially make others feel uncomfortable. No one wants to offend anyone, not least at this time of year!

Challenging Unconscious Gender Bias

Challenging unconscious gender bias

Gendered language that is rooted in our everyday life may be a sensitive subject to deal with, but if we start today by looking for inclusive alternatives when we speak and write, or even when we are working with our clients or teaching our students, I trust we can contribute to changing attitudes for the better.

Editorial Perfection – Yea or Nay?

Editorial Perfection – Yea or Nay?

“Are you going to make my work perfect?” is a question or rather a desire often expressed by clients. In this Ed’s Elevenses blog post, I am going to be full and frank about whether or not editorial perfection is a realistic expectation and an achievable mission. I hope clients, authors, and language users alike will benefit from understanding the pragmatic considerations underlying editorial work, and join us in contributing to a healthier editor–client relationship.